Goyin Silveira

Mata Ortiz

Goyin Silveira is a potter from the village of Mata Ortiz. He is the son of potters Goyo Silveira and Gloria Hernandez.

Serpent and other Paquime Revival creatures in a geometric matrix on a black-on-beige jar
A black-on-beige jar painted with a Paquime Revival creatures design in a geometric matrix
Paquime-style animals and geometric design on a polychrome jar
Polychrome jar decorated with Paquime-style animal and geometric design
18.75 in H by 14.75 in Dia
Measurement includes stand
Geometric design on a polychrome jar
Polychrome jar decorated with a geometric design
7.25 in H by 5.75 in Dia
Measurement includes stand
Geometric design on a polychrome jar
Polychrome jar with a geometric design
4.75 in H by 6.25 in Dia
Measurement includes stand
Geometric design on a polychrome jar with a custom stand
Polychrome jar with a custom stand and decorated with a geometric design
10.5 in H by 6.25 in Dia
Measurement includes stand
Geometric design totally covers this polychrome jar
Polychrome jar covered completely with a geometric design
11.25 in H by 8.25 in Dia
Polychrome jar with shard, quadrillos and geometric design Shard, cuadrillos and geometric design on a polychrome jar
14.75 in H by 9.25 in Dia
Measurement includes stand
Geometric design covers the entire surface of this polychrome jar A polychrome jar whose entire surface is covered with a geometric design
10.25 in H by 7.5 in Dia
Measurement includes stand

Mata Ortiz/Casas Grandes Potters