When compiling something like this website, a number of different resources come into play. Over the years some authors have invested considerable time and resources of their own in researching and cataloging who the various pueblo artists are (were), where they are (were), what they made, what awards they earned, who they are related to, etc. It's not an easy undertaking as so much of the data is essentially contained as "oral history." That said, there are some reputable and reliable sources available for those who chose to dig deeper into the subject of Puebloan pottery. I first started building this site as part of my own immersive education process.
In my creation of this website, I have relied heavily on the photos and data of Andrea Fisher Fine Pottery of Santa Fe, NM, as they present what are most likely the largest and best photos of the pottery that has passed through their business. I also know that most of the folks who work there have years of education, experience and museum training behind them and they know what Pueblo pottery is about. I have used other resources to a lesser extent and those are attributed below or on the pages where they are used.
My text for this website has come from collecting tidbits of data from all across the web and from many of the artists themselves in face-to-face situations. That collection/compilation process has shown me the need for a website such as this because so many purveyors of Southwestern, Mata Ortiz and Pueblo pottery on the web have simply copy-pasted all their biographical data about the artists. Many of them use books compiled in the 1990s (or before) that were based on questionable data collection methods. When it comes to family trees and who an artist most likely is (or was), some of those books are simply wrong. And so many who have copied that data have tried to dress it up a bit, only to muddy the waters further. My effort here has been to clear the waters a bit and inject some new data into the stream. That said, I know I'm significantly more successful in simply displaying a few of their creations than I am in saying anything meaningful about their lives...
This is a living website and any information contained within it is subject to change should I get better info.
Women, Men and Cycles of Evangelism in the Southwest Borderlands, AD 750 to 1750, by James F. Brooks, 2013
Fremont Ceramic Designs and Their Implications, Katie K. Richards, 2014
Evidence for Possible Mimbres Migration into the Jornada: Introducing the Eastern Mimbres San Andres Aspect, a chapter from Collected Papers from the 20th Biennial Mogollon Archaeology Conference, by Alexander Kurota, Thatcher Rogers, and Evan S. Sternberg, edited by Lonnie C. Ludeman, 2019.
The Lives of Painted Bowls at Ancestral Pueblos in East-Central Arizona, by Scott Van Keuren and Grace E. Cameron, 2015
Toward Common Ground: Racing as an Integrative Strategy in Prehistoric Central Arizona, by Will Russell, Hoski Schaafsma and Katherine Spielmann, 2011
The Jicarilla Apaches and the Archaeology of the Taos Region, by B. Sunday Eiselt, 2009
Unit Pueblos and the Mimbres Problem, by Stephen H. Lekson, 2000
There are some other good resources out there, too, if you search wide and far. The problem is there is so little about so many of the artists in my list and so much of what there is is copy-pasted misinformation. I list here only those I have used for more than a hint of data here and there.