Mark Tahbo Jars 2


Bird element design on a yellow ware jar
Yellow ware jar with bird element design, Winner Best in Show, 1998 Heard Museum Guild
7.5 in H by 14.5 in Dia
Bird design and fire clouds on a yellow ware jar
Yellow ware jar decorated with a bird design and fire clouds
4.25 in H by 6 in Dia
Bird element, cactus, shard and geometric design on a plychrome yellow ware jar
Polychrome yellow ware jar with fire clouds and decorated with a bird element, shard, cactus and geometric design
3.25 in H by 8 in Dia
A bird element and geometric design on a polychrome yellow ware jar with fire clouds
Polychrome yellow ware Sikyatki-style jar with fire clouds and decorated with a bird element and geometric design
6.5 in H by 14.5 in Dia
Bird element and geometric design on a miniature polychrome jar
Miniature polychrome jar decorated with a bird element and geometric design
1.5 in H by 2.5 in Dia
Four-direction bird element and geometric design on a black on red jar
Black on red jar decorated with a 4-direction bird element and geometric design
3.75 in H by 5.5 in Dia
Bird and bird element design on a polychrome jar
Polychrome jar decorated with a bird and bird element design
4.25 in H by 5.75 in Dia
Polychrome jar with bird, bat wing, eagletail and geometric design Bat wing, bird element, eagletail and geometric design on a polychrome jar
4 in H by 5.5 in Dia
Fire clouds on a plain yellow ware Sikyatki-style jar A plain yellow ware Sikyatki-style jar with fire clouds
1.5 in H by 2.5 in Dia
Bird element and geometric design on a polychrome jar with fire clouds Polychrome jar with fire clouds decorated with a bird element and geometric design
4.5 in H by 5.5 in Dia
Sikyatki-style yellow jar with black and red geometric design and fire clouds Fire clouds and black and red geometric design on a yellow Sikyatki-style jar
3.25 in H by 7.25 in Dia
Katsina, bird element and geometric design on a Sikyatki-style polychrome jar Polychrome Sikyatki-style jar with a bird element, katsina and geometric design
4.5 in H by 10 in Dia
Bird element and geometric design plus fire clouds on a polychrome Sikyatki-style seed pot A Sikyatki-style polychrome seed pot decorated with a bird element, geometric design and fire clouds
3 in H by 5.75 in Dia
Birds and geometric design in black on a yellow jar with fire clouds A yellow jar with fire clouds decorated with a bird and geometric design
3.5 in H by 6 in Dia
A polished yellow jar
A plain, polished yellow jar with a flared lip
4.75 in H by 6 in Dia
A golden yellow jar with a raised lip
A raised lip on a plain, polished golden yellow jar
4.25 in H by 6.25 in Dia

Hopi Potters