Brian Tsethlikai

Zuni Pueblo

Brian Tsethlikai is a potter born and raised at Zuni Pueblo. He and his significant other (Yvonne Nashboo) were inspired by Phil Hughte, one of their High School instructors, to learn the art of hand-coiling pottery. Yvonne combined that with what she learned from her sister, Tammy Bellson, about making pottery.

Both Brian and Yvonne started producing pottery in their late teens and have since faithfully followed the sign of the lizard as it attempts to bring the Zuni pottery tradition more to life.

They sign their collaborative creations: B.T./Y.N., Zuni, while Brian signs his solo efforts: B. Tsethlikai, Zuni.

Lizard on top of a buff-colored, egg-shaped seed pot
Buff-colored, egg-shaped seed pot with a lizard on top
3.25 in H by 2.75 in Dia
Frog on top of a buff-colored, egg-shaped seed pot
Buff-colored, egg-shaped seedpot with a frog on top
1 in H by 1 in Dia
Large Zuni owl
Large polychrome Zuni owl figure
9.75 in H by 7.75 in Dia

Zuni Pueblo Potters